
Build positive brand awareness for a large corporation in a state that typically does not welcome big business


The campaign goal was to persuade residents that a modern agriculture company is good for Hawaii, as it allows Hawaii increased self-sustainability, independent food production and economic growth through the creation of
jobs, and overall contribution to the fabric of the community. This was particularly challenging, because Hawaiians are known to be vigilant environmentalists and wary of big business.


Inuvo was able to uncover that the top performing audience was highly educated, young, Caucasian females, rather than the expected mature, Polynesian population.


The IntentKey technology refined the targeting to additional categories of interest which included:


  • Health
  • Water Sports
  • Outdoor
  • Adventure


The results of the campaign were a significant brand lift and a CTR of 20% above average.

Key Results


Brand Lift

Achieved Above-Average CTR of


Intent Signals

  • Agricultural Products
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Beta Carotenes
  • Hawaii Weather Forecast
  • Pontoon Boats
  • High Surf
  • Health Effects of GM Foods
  • Healthy Eating
  • Organic Food
  • Boating and Fishing