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Remember the days when marketing was all about casting the widest net possible and hoping for the best? Those days are long gone.


The evolution of digital marketing has been nothing short of revolutionary. We’ve moved from scattershot approaches to targeted campaigns, from guesswork to data-driven decisions. But even in this advanced landscape, there’s been a missing piece of the puzzle – until now.


Enter IntentKey’s full funnel marketing strategy. We’re not just reaching customers; we’re engaging them at every step of their journey, from the moment curiosity strikes to the final purchase decision. 


Curious about how we’re redefining the marketing funnel? Let’s explore the strategy that’s turning casual browsers into loyal customers, all while maximizing your ROI.


Understanding the Full Funnel Approach


Full funnel marketing is about engaging potential customers at every stage of their journey, from initial awareness to final purchase. Traditionally, this has been broken down into three main stages:


  1. Top of the funnel (Awareness)
  2. Middle of the funnel (Consideration)
  3. Bottom of the funnel (Conversion)


What sets IntentKey apart is our ability to create and deploy multiple models that target consumers at each of these stages, all powered by our advanced AI and real-time intent data.


The IntentKey Difference: AI-Driven Models


Our approach begins with the creation of dozens of models for any given campaign. Each model is essentially synonymous with an audience, allowing us to target consumers with incredible precision based on their current position in the funnel.


Here’s how it works:


  1. Top of Funnel (Awareness): Our AI analyzes vast amounts of unstructured data to detect early signals of consumer intent. We identify potential customers who may not yet be familiar with a brand but show relevant interests or behaviors.
  2. Middle of Funnel (Consideration): As consumers progress, our models adapt to target those showing more specific interest in product categories or related topics. This might include people researching solutions to problems our client’s products solve.
  3. Bottom of Funnel (Conversion): At this stage, our models focus on consumers demonstrating high purchase intent, perhaps those who have visited a client’s website or shown interest in similar products.

Real-Time Intent: The Secret Sauce


What truly sets IntentKey apart is our focus on real-time intent. Unlike traditional methods that rely on stale data or broad demographic targeting, our models analyze what consumers are interested in or curious about right now. This allows us to deliver highly relevant ads to consumers at the exact moment they’re most likely to be receptive.


Flexible Targeting: UID and Contextual


Our system is designed to move fluidly between user ID (UID) targeting and contextual targeting. This flexibility allows us to determine which approach is most effective for each model and stage of the funnel, optimizing performance in real-time.


Continuous Optimization


Full funnel marketing with IntentKey isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it approach. Our models are constantly learning and adapting based on performance data. We analyze which models are driving the best results at each funnel stage and adjust budget allocations accordingly.


The Results: Increased Efficiency and ROI


By targeting consumers with precision at every stage of the funnel, our clients see improved campaign efficiency and return on investment. We’re able to introduce brands to new potential customers, nurture their interest, and ultimately drive conversions – all through a single, integrated strategy.


IntentKey’s full funnel marketing strategy represents a paradigm shift in digital advertising. By harnessing the power of AI, real-time intent data, and flexible targeting, we’re able to engage consumers throughout their journey in a way that feels natural and relevant. The result is more effective campaigns, better user experiences, and stronger ROI for our clients.

This post was proudly created with assistance from AI tool. If you want to know which tool, just ask!

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